We have many female patients present with iron deficiency, and constipation.
Women are often prescribed oral iron supplements to boost their iron levels and stores to correct the iron deficiency. There are many iron supplements on the market and it is important to note that many of these (ionic iron) can cause constipation and an upset stomach feeling with nausea.
Understanding the difference between the terms ‘low iron levels’ and ‘low ferritin stores’ is important as they are easily confused.
Iron is an important mineral present in red blood cells that carries oxygen to cells in the body. Ferritin on the other hand is a protein that stores iron and releases iron when the body needs it.
Iron is both a nutrient and a trace element that is essential to the body. Without iron the body is unable to produce healthy red blood cells.
Signs and symptoms of low Iron may include:
• Fatigue
• Weakness
• Headaches
• Pale skin
• Shortness of breath
• Poor recovery from exertion
• Brittle nails
• Brain fog
• Cold hands and feet
• Chest pain
• Fast heartbeat
• General malaise
• Soreness of the tongue
• Constipation
• Lowered immunity
Whilst colon hydrotherapy aids in relieving constipation, we also educate our patients in how to heal their digestive system and what is needed on their plate to resolve the underlying cause.