Healing from a diagnosis or dis-ease is challenging enough, but we often - conscious or not, self-sabotage our recovery.
One of the key reasons we self-sabotage is a lack of self-esteem. This can lead to feelings of worthlessness, the belief that we don't deserve, and even self-hatred.
Some of us self-sabotage because it makes us feel in control of our situations.
Substance abuse (self-medicating), turning to food (comfort eating), procrastination, and forms of self injury are also common self-sabotaging behaviours.
We may also self-sabotage by not committing to relationships or being a poor friend even when connection is what we truly want.
Self-sabotage can be connected to the words:
* Damage
* Undermine
* Derail
Refusal to take medication - relates to "damage”. Taking medication is difficult, more so when first diagnosed and most of us are not used to putting medications in our bodies. It feels foreign! We may refuse treatment for this reason. Sometimes we may need to take medication in order to start or assist in the healing process. That said, acceptance is part of the process when healing from chronic discomfort.
Not Educating Ourselves on Our Dis-Ease - relates to the word "undermine”. A huge part of our practice is education. We don't believe it is talked about enough - we need to educate ourselves on our dis-ease. Education is an ally we cannot afford to dismiss. To refrain from educating ourselves and our patients is, yes, undermining our / their healing. Ask questions! If we can educate ourselves we can educate those around us.
Not Taking Self Care Seriously - we immediately connect this to the word "derail." Taking self care seriously is really important and, yes, ties into educating ourselves. But we need to practice self-care, not just read about it! Words are great, but are not of much use unless we put them into action.
Be honest with ones self, those around us and work on acceptance.
Remember, we can handle anything in the moment - it is our fear of what might happen that does us in.
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