Surprisingly, women can start experiencing signs of perimenopause as early as 35 years. Whilst we often associate menopause with beautiful silver-fox women, the hormonal fluctuations and changes that lead to the end of our menstrual cycle typically begin in a woman’s early 40’s.
These changes occur in the phase known as perimenopause. With many women these days constantly on the go, it is common to miss the signs of perimenopause, with symptoms seemingly creeping up.
Symptoms may include:
. Unexplained weight gain / slow metabolism
. Insomnia with a busy mind
. Irregular menstrual cycles
. Heavy bleeding
. Fatigue
. Migraines
. Mood changes
. Depression, anxiety & irritability
. Recurrent Candida or vaginal dysbiosis
We truly believe that this suffering can be avoided and have helped many women transition from perimenopause to post-menopause, not only symptom free, but while absolutely thriving!
If we would like a symptom free menopausal transition, we need to have a look and address the root cause of the symptoms in the first place; hormonal imbalance.
This can dramatically worsen perimenopause.The two main hormones that come to mind when we think about menopause are progesterone & oestrogen. These hormones that are present during our fertile years begin to fluctuate dramatically during perimenopause and are often labelled the culprit of our woes.
The truth is, whilst these hormones play an integral role, they are dramatically influenced by cortisol, our stress hormone. When under stress, our bodies increase the production of cortisol which can lower oestrogen and progesterone - exacerbating perimenopausal symptoms like; depression, mood swings, fatigue, urinary infections, irregular cycles and more!
Addressing chronic stress is crucial to having well balanced hormones.
Ways to do reduce stress include:
. Hydrating our body correctly
. Quality nutrition on our plate
. Movement daily
. Nature - being out in the elements
. Relaxation / breathing practice
. Setting boundaries
. Looking after our liver
We understand saying ‘just relax!’ when our life is stressful beyond our control, is tough.
The good news is there is so much we can do to support our body even if we can’t remove common stressors like work or family.
Ask us for help, or we recommend the following locations to help guide you with a very special practice:: @yogacycleadelaide /
A plethora of studies have concluded that bone density and muscle strength is the single most important factor determining our longevity and mobility as we age.
Bone health is built in the presence of oestrogen. By the time we are in full menopause, it may be too late to build back the bone we should have built before or during peri-menopause.
If we want to feel youthful for the rest of our lives, it is essential that we care for our bones and muscles! The choices that we make today determine how well we will be able to perform all of the independent activities and tasks in the decades to come!
Prioritise the following in order to support bone density and muscle strength:
. Regular strength training
. Movement and flexibility
We recommend Dani and the team @soulfocuspilates.
Soul Focus Pilates offers a great range of introductory classes for those new to this type of movement.
It is possible, and we have seen many women walk into our space struggling with a long list of perimenopause symptoms that heal their hormones and thrive symptom free through menopause.
Don’t accept the uncomfortable symptoms of perimenopause as enduring just because they are common. We utilise education to help women identify and eradicate the cause of these uncomfortable symptoms - with our philosophy being "we want to see you, to not have to see you".
Healthy Gut | Healthy Mind | Healthy Life