Why do we tell ourselves to let go of the past?
What we may be trying to do is change it or come to terms with it - we cannot change it, nor is there anything to come to terms with.
Often, we try to hurt ourselves with it. It just doesn’t exist, except in our memory.
Whenever something we don’t want has happened to us, we can either become wounded or wise.
We encourage our patients in learning how to treasure their past - pleasant, unpleasant, sometimes sharp and palpable, soft and frail, more often beautiful.
If we can learn how to use our memories, they will help our growth into a much bigger human being than what we are right now, with all of our experiences.
Every memory can be used to our advantage - if a lot of unpleasant or unnecessary things have happened, we become wiser much sooner.
Our experiences are what allows for understanding.
Experience | Growth | Understanding | Wisdom