This is a scientific fact - whether we struggle with anger, fear, trauma, anxiety, depression, eating disorder or any other physical or mental health challenge.
We can store our emotions in our bodies, and this emotional holding can create physical pain, stress, discomfort and dis-ease.
As children, we may learn to suppress our emotions. We are taught to stifle our natural emotional reactions and we unlearn our ability to listen to our bodies. This can lead to the shutting down of energy and storage of unexpressed emotions.
Using anger as an example - we all harbour anger in some form. Anger from our past or anger from people who continue to play a big role in our lives. Anger at misfortune, anger at the living and the dead, anger turned inward. When we are deeply wounded, anger is often part of the response. Anger is a great flaming ball of negative emotion and when we cannot let it go, no matter how we try, the anger takes on a life of its own. The toll can be enormous.
What happens to the mind also happens to the body. Being fully alive means being connected with all of who we are.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.