Recently, we have been talking about this butterfly shaped gland sitting on the front of our throat that is responsible for our metabolism. Our metabolism is not only how we utilise food and energy - our metabolism controls every single chemical reaction in our entire body to ensure everything runs smoothly and on time.
Our body works best when the thyroid is operating in the ‘goldilocks zone’, not too much and not too little.
Thyroid dysfunction can look and feel different for everyone as the thyroid can start over or underreacting depending on a variety of factors.
Hypothyroid - Underactive
. Fatigue / exhaustion
. Constipation
. Weight Gain
. Intolerance to cold
. Dry hair / skin
. Muscle weakness
. Brain Fog
. Infertility
Goldilocks Zone
Everything is just right - thriving without symptoms!
Hyperthyroid - Overactive
. Weight loss
. Swelling at base of neck
. Excessive sweating
. Anxiety
. Muscle weakness
. Tremors / shaking
. Palpitations
. Infertility
. Infrequent menstruation
. Bulging eyes
Unfortunately, we very rarely get the full picture of thyroid function. Generally when bloods are ordered, only one component of thyroid function is tested, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). Our thyroid could be causing us a myriad of symptoms before TSH starts to show up as abnormal. Learn about thyroid testing and understand the results.
The thyroid requires building blocks in the form of minerals to create thyroid hormones and having healthy functioning tissue.
Nutrition rich in minerals like iodine, selenium, zinc and iron is essential.
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