Sometimes we have to let go of things that are hurting us, even if it is hurting us to let them go.
Examples might include:
Guilt is to the spirit what pain is to the body. If we have the courage to admit our mistakes, they are always forgivable. Changing our behaviour is the best apology we can give to ourselves and others.
Often excuses are the lies we tell ourselves, so we don't have to think anything is our fault. It is time to remove them.
We actually don't have to be friends with anyone that does not support us or brings our energy down. It is okay if we start outgrowing people that are not growing. Sometimes, it is better for these people to be left in our past no matter how much we want them to be in our present.
It can be like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives us something to do but doesn't get us anywhere. Overthinking can ruin us, it can twist things around, make us worry, making everything worse than it actually is.
Often, we can lose ourselves trying to please everyone else and then lose everyone trying to find ourselves again.
We can define ourselves by the stories we tell ourselves every single day, moment to moment. 'I'm not good enough' or 'I can't do this'. We need to try and recognise when a job, a relationship, a phase or a life stage is over and let it go. We can choose to move forward with peace and clarity, it does not have to be a dramatic event.
Always keep 'you' in the equation and everything will continue to add up.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.