I wish I’d worked less
I wish I’d spent more time with my family and friends
I wish I’d had the courage to be myself
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings
I wish I’d allowed myself to be happy
Regrets - we have to wait, so many of us, until we retire, face dis-ease or are on our deathbed until we learn what’s truly truly important to us.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if we could learn now, and take action and make time our ally.
We often get stuck in hoping for the best - hope is what walks through the fire, if we believe - belief is what leaps over it.
We can fail at what we don’t want, so we might as well take a chance on doing what we love!
What if it can turn out better than we can imagine?
Come - allow us to walk beside you in changing your wish and hope into belief.
Healthy Gut | Heathy Mind | Healthy Life