A great question, and one we are often asked, along with:
. Will I need more than one colonic?
. Will it help me lose weight?
. How many do you think I will need?
. Is there any obligation?
There is absolutely no obligation, however most of us will really need around 3 to 5 colonics to truly cleanse our colon.
Our colon is around 2 metres long – that is much taller than me (not hard!). Keeping this in mind, the average person is holding around 5-7kg of waste in their colon. To suggest that we may remove all of this in one session is unrealistic, especially if we have been constipated or have had issues with our gut health for some time. Everything will more than likely be quite hard and dry – even if we use our bowels once a day, there will still be an accumulation of years of stuff (physical, environmental, and emotional). As a guide we may suggest 3 colonics, depending on what we are working with. It is important that we take a very individual approach with each patient. We cannot treat our patients who have suffered with chronic constipation the same as we treat our patients working with addiction, chronic health, emotional health or weight loss.
If we can do 3 colonics within 3 days, we will get an amazing result as our body has less time to put more toxicity in while we are taking it out - this is a great starting point for most. We can also get a good result if we have 3 colonics over 3 weeks. In this scenario, we need to be mindful of what we are putting back into our body. Poor eating every night between these sessions will not produce the best result as if we fed ourselves with simple whole food meals or juice fasting.
The cleansing process is totally up to you and can be empowering. As your belly starts to become cleaner and you begin to feel more hydrated and comfortable in both body and mind, it may inspire you to make healthier choices.
You will begin to see and feel a shift after 2 or 3 colonics. In your first session you may feel a little nervous, and you will hold on a little more. By your second session you will feel calmer, relaxed, and ready to let go. You will begin to experience what the result will look like. In overview - we all respond differently, every session will be different, there is not a one size fits all option and we will walk beside you as long you need us to.