A nutrition free of salicylates looks at restricting or removing foods high in salicylates. This often provides instant relief for those who are intolerant and can identify if salicylates are a problem.
Whilst elimination can initially be helpful it actually doesn’t address the cause of the intolerance as few people are born with sensitivity but instead progressively develop one over time.
Healing our digestive system is fundamental to recovering from salicylate sensitivity to ensure an abundance of salicylates are not accumulating in our bodies to cause a reaction.
When our digestive system is healed and functions at its optimum, it is normal for a small amount of salicylates to enter our circulation.
Being able to effectively and efficiently eliminate salicylates is crucial to avoid their accumulation and to be able to ingest them without having symptoms.
Salicylates are eliminated first through the liver and then the kidneys to go out into our urine. In our liver salicylates are eliminated through the glycine or glucuronic pathway both of which can only eliminate a little bit of salicylates at a time.
We work with our patients to reduce chronic inflammation, and optimise these pathways with our organic coffee infusions. Our infusions will naturally stimulate Glutathione - an antioxidant that helps to detoxify and eliminate poisons and toxins from our body.
This provides our liver with the extra help it needs to quickly and effectively metabolise salicylates.
A coffee date with a difference!
Healthy Gut | Healthy Mind | Healthy Life