When working holistically with symptoms of chronic discomfort or dis-ease in our bodies they disappear in definite order, going in reverse and generally take one month for every year the symptoms have been present.
Healing begins from the head down, from the inside out and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed.
We don't catch a dis-ease, we create them by breaking down the natural defences according to the way we eat, drink, think and live. Understanding this is imperative in allowing our body to eliminate toxins created daily.
Healing from the head down - this means that before we can even begin to heal, we must believe we can heal. We must not doubt the ability our body has to heal itself when given the right condition. Belief truly is half of healing.
Healing from the inside out - this means we must allow the body to cleanse. In order for the body to eliminate toxins it must be allowed to do so without suppressing any kind of discharge. Often medication or supplementation used incorrectly suppress these discharges. These toxins can then go deeper into the body and create other weaknesses.
Healing in reverse order - this means that most of the time the last symptom that has presented is the first symptom to be dealt with by the body in the reversal process.
The grass is greener where we water it.