We commonly hear the frustration in our patients as they move between different medications over time trying to find the one that works for their body - one with manageable side effects. Despite all their efforts and those of their specialists, the conditions often still present themselves and remain uncontrolled in many cases. Our philosophy in approaching most of these conditions is to address the underlying cause - realign, repair, and rebuild health. The strongest evidence-based research that has been published on the underlying causes are an imbalanced gut microbiome and oxidative stress.
When working with our patients, it is important that whilst we keep the inflammation as low as possible, we must also address the underlying cause with the focus in stopping dis-ease progression and prevention.
We support and assist this with the practice of absolute detoxification, colon hydrotherapy, gentle cleansing and healing of the gut, nutrition, movement, and other holistic disciplines. With combination and consistency, we create the right condition to nurture a vital sense of wellbeing, better daily movement, and less required medication. In some cases, having reversed symptoms to the point of medication not being needed at all.