Feeling Heard Allows Healing …

It is not just the qualification and years of experience that makes for an effective therapist.

We feel there should be more emphasis on the quality of the relationship between the patient and the therapist. A relationship that allows for space and time to delve more deeply into the areas of our life in which we desire guidance.

In this, it’s worth understanding that our heart is such a powerful source of electrical energy, as is our brain. When the electrical waves in our heart and brain are in sync, our bodies enter a state of calm presence.

Recent studies have shown that the most effective moments in clinical therapy tend to occur when these electrical waves are also in sync between the patient and therapist.

This tended to occur when the therapist was listening, rather than speaking.

We believe that most profound impact occurs when a patient is truly heard. A therapists capacity to listen, being in the present moment with their patient, and therefore understanding them better - is invaluable.

Come - let us listen, let the healing happen.

Calm | Breathe | Be Still