The Sympathetic Nervous System ...

The SNS is responsible for the body's fight or flight response, which can be activated by serious threats of danger, or even seemingly small daily stressors.


Diverts blood to muscles, widens airways, accelerates heart rate, dilates pupils, slows digestion, increases perspiration.

These effects allow us to quickly comprehend and physically escape / combat any threat that may pose a risk to our wellbeing.

Because our bodies struggle to differentiate life threatening stressors from less risky events that are still a cause for concern, many of us tend to live in a constant state of SNS dominance.

For this reason, we like to emphasise the importance of 'seeing to self' regularly in order to restore homeostasis and help our bodies return to the rhythm of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Come, let us support you finding your balance.

Educate | Empower | Heal