Physical, emotional, psychosomatic - pain in our body can be our greatest teacher.
Although there is a time and a place for pain medication, if we nullify the voice of pain altogether we may miss our opportunity in hearing what our body is trying to communicate.
Pain can be the signal - telling us there is an imbalance or that there is something wrong. If we can accept the pain as information, listen to and honour it we begin to learn, to grow, to understand in a deeper way.
Of course, it can be very humbling and very challenging when we’re moving through pain.
I have learnt so much in my own experience of feeling pain - often reminding me that it is time to slow down or in many instances to bring greater kindness and compassion to how I work within my own body. On the other side of the suffering is an intense connection with life and with being embodied, having a body and feeling sensations.
Feeling good, feeling not so good almost made no difference. The pure experience of it was all that mattered. Being in the moment without judgement.
When we learn this for ourselves, the shift begins and we allow our body's innate intelligence to do what it knows - the small self gently merges into the big self.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.