The worst thing about it is that we usually don't know when we’re in it.
Living as an intentional person - mother, partner, child, sibling or friend while in survival mode can feel impossible. We can find ourselves going from fire to fire, putting them out as best we can before something else crops up. And when we’re busy in the chaos, things like planning, routine and rhythm don't happen.
Once we recognise survival mode for what it is, then we can take action to make it, well … survivable!
In this phase it is totally okay for the food that goes on the plate, the balance of screen time, the priorities, the routines to look a little different - something has to give, and it doesn’t have to be us!
Know that survival mode doesn't last forever - we will go through several of these seasons in our life. We all struggle and when we are constantly being asked to integrate new things (babies, pets, illnesses, loss) of course, it will bring a learning curve.
Also know that other people go through survival mode too. Their social media accounts may not indicate this, but everyone has their own season of too much everything.
Don’t judge the moment ❤️
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.