Healing with Affirmation ...

The final step in our path to healing, and one that can be seen differently.

Affirming our creative self - involves finding a means through which to channel creative expression. We all have an urge to create something, make something, express ourselves, be seen. This can be fulfilled through creating anything – art, music, cooking, writing, colouring. We hear ourselves and we hear our own voice projected through another medium.

Affirmation also includes the spiritual connection - affirming our connection to something greater than ourselves, which is essential to healing. We are connected to the world around us in a big, important way.

Feeling connected to the outside world, in contact and surrounded by love helps dissipate feelings of isolation, loneliness, or seclusion. Our existence is valuable. We are a part of something, never truly alone.

Acceptance, Awareness, Anger, Self Reliance, Connection & Intimacy, Assertion, Affirmation - all important steps to take when healing our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life