There is simply no way to prepare for watching someone you love be slowly but mercilessly taken from you - and themselves.
The ripple effect of caregiving into all other parts of life is often staggering - such strength you have my beautiful mum! ❤️
Certainly the parent-child relationship is inverted, yes. It’s not how we wanted it to be and we wish the circumstances were entirely different, but struggle to imagine how we could be any closer.
Having a front row seat to the display of courage and determination Dad puts on each day, just going about his business is inspiring. There is no comprehending how he may feel knowing what is happening with his brain, if he even knows. I wonder if he is terrified - yet he gets out of bed each day, to walk at the beach (no matter the weather), looks so forward to his cake and coffee, doing his crosswords, sharing his love of everything and everyone (especially if it involves being Greek), going back to his mother language, sharing in his history and childhood memories (where there is always something new we learn). LOVES to dance and kinda brags a little about being South Australia’s jiving champion in his day! Above all he tries his best to enjoy the day, and seems to do this without the fear of what others may think. An absolute inspiration - and there is beauty in that.
I hold onto the beauty as tight as I can because it keeps me going and because these are the memories I want to keep.
A gentle reminder of where good, prosperity, happiness comes from - it comes from within us. When this realisation occurs we evolve, we shift - life changes no matter what stage we are in.
Oh and at 83 years of age he also reminds me that in life (like in cooking), bitterness kills all sweetness.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life