Truthfully, I cringe a little when using the word detox, precisely because of the overuse and misuse of it in the media. Medically speaking, detoxification is a very important function in our body. The correct medical name for detoxification is biotransformation and elimination – which immediately sounds less catchy right? The term refers to how our body processes natural bodily by-products before removing them, or deals with waste from external sources that our body needs to expel.
Our body uses 5 major pathways for detoxification being the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and digestion.
For example, when our red blood cells reach the end of their lives, or when our hormones are finished doing their job, they become waste, and are filtered into the liver – where detoxification begins – so they can be eliminated from the body.
The Liver is where it begins - there are two phases of liver detox, where our liver changes fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble toxins, ready to be flushed out of our body. Phase one needs plenty of B vitamins and glutathione. Phase two requires plenty of magnesium, B vitamins, amino acids, and glutathione.
An organic coffee infusion is one way to assist the liver in cleaning and begin the healing process. In a safe, supported and calm space, we take the time to also practice our Native American Indian bodywork during the process, which aids in a gentle unravelling of the soul.
“Hi Nardia, hope you've had a great day. Just a little feedback on the coffee infusion. It felt like a colonic drizzled in an extra dream topping all soft warm and fuzzy. When l posed the question, how do l feel afterward, the word aligned popped up, which is perfect fit. I've also had a feeling of calm, both physical and mental. Again as with a colonic, my core feels strong. Drinking water has been easy, and l managed the 3 litres today with ease. Basicly l loved the treatment, and once again the gains have been huge. Fix the body, fix the mind, the link is unquestionable. I feel both grateful and privileged, that l'm in the position to be able experience the treatment. Thank you and take great care of yourself x.” Darren Bailey
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.