In modern medicine, we tend to take a very mechanical view of our bodies and the physiological functions of its component organs. In other traditional medical systems, the internal organs are seen as being strongly affected by our emotions.
Liver, Gall Bladder: Bile is produced by our liver and stored in our gall bladder, which makes these two organs vulnerable to negative choleric emotions like anger, irritability, frustration, resentment, jealousy, and envy. These negative emotions are stored in these organs and can slowly eat away at them if allowed to fester. Anger and rage can explode upwards from our liver into our head, causing a lot of havoc in their wake: headaches, migraines; red, sore, bloodshot eyes; and muscular tension in the neck and shoulders. Nervous and emotional tension and stress, as well as emotions like pensiveness and worry become stagnant. This often accumulates under the lower ribs, giving a stuffy, distended, congested feeling in the whole chest and diaphragm area.
Intestines and Bowels: Our intestines are often the effect of psychosomatic or emotionally induced digestive disorders that arise in our upper digestive organs - the liver, gall bladder, stomach, and spleen. These emotional disturbances are usually of an irritable or deep sad nature. Further down in our middle and lower intestinal tract, emotional disturbances are aggravated as we may feel our morals are being questioned. This can produce colic and kinks in the intestines, or obstructions to their smooth flow and function.
Colon: Our colon is very vulnerable to aggravations and excesses in chronic or deeply held worry, anxiety and nervous or emotional stress and tension. Security issues and deep insecurities will also impact negatively on our colon. Its functioning is intimately connected with our base chakra (energy zone), which pertains to our emotional security. These emotional disturbances usually produce disorders like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or spastic colon. If the aggravation is severe, it may result in more serious degenerative dis-ease.
Take the time to know and nurture these organs physically, environmentally, and emotionally. Remember to feed well, fluid well, breathe well and think well.