Where Do You Live?

Take care of your body - it’s the only place you have to live. By taking care of our body, of course it will take care of us.

When we force and push too much in healing, our body can go into protective mode and we begin to harden. In our practice we are looking for the opposite effect - a slow unwinding to take place.

We’re not trying to get something that we don’t already have within us - we are removing the things that stifle it. Gently inviting all elimination pathways that exist within our body to open.

When we open up, the body can be more effective in doing what it needs to. Stress hormones like cortisol begin to diminish, and we create this environment for healing at a very deep level.

The deeper we can go, the deeper we can heal and the deeper we can heal, the better we will feel.

Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.