In our digestive tract exist good bacteria called “flora” and bad bacteria. Candida is one of the microorganism critters in our digestive tract that can go out of control. If Candida overgrows, it begins to poison the immune system, and eventually passes to the blood stream.
. Heavy Metals
. Prescription Drugs
. Sugar and Carbohydrates
. Stress
. Hormonal Changes
. Food Allergies
. Eating Acid Forming Foods
. Re-infection from Sexual Partner
. Birth Control
. Pregnancy
. Steroids
. Diabetes
It is opportunistic, which means that if it has an opportunity to grow and take over an environment - it will.
. Fatigue
. Chronic Fatigue
. Headaches - (the immune system, the endocrine system and the brain are intimately related)
. Digestive Symptoms
. Muscle and Joint Pain – Fibromyalgia
. Depression / Anxiety / Nervousness
. Chemical Sensitivities
. Sugar Cravings
. Whole Wheat Cravings
. Vinegar Cravings
. Sexual Dysfunction
. Memory Loss
. Food Allergies
. Skin Difficulties / Psoriasis,
. Eczema
. Weight Difficulties
. High Levels of Oestrogen
. Gut Permeability
In children the symptoms can be: Constant Colds, Irritability, Sleep Problems, Skin Rashes, Ear Problems, Hyperactivity and Attention Deficiency. Yeast puts out toxins that weaken the immune system. Colon Hydrotherapy can assist in eradicating Candida and restoring balance.