Our immune system's ability to distinguish self from non self can be negatively impacted by both genetic factors and environmental triggers. Although genetics may be the source, it normally takes a very long time for the human genetic pattern to change enough on a worldwide scale.
The strongest evidence-based research that has been published on the underlying causes are a rapidly changing and evolving civilisation. New technology, new industries, new inventions, new chemicals and drugs, and new foods and fad diets are constantly and rapidly being introduced in our ever-changing world. Toxicants, infections, epitope spreading, parasites, dysfunctions of immune homeostasis, and dietary components, imbalanced gut microbiome can all a have an impact on the body's delicate immune recognition system.
Most allopathic diagnoses are a name given to a list of symptoms or how the body is responding/reacting to something that is in the body creating an imbalance or dysbiosis.
Autoimmune can be painful, scary, lonely and debilitating to our emotional health, no matter how much love and support we may have around us.
If you are in the grip of autoimmune - the question for you is, what is causing it? Always, always ask why.
Our philosophy in approaching most of these conditions is to address the underlying cause - treat, realign, repair, and rebuild health.
It is something that involves commitment, and sometimes it can be tough, but with consistency and the right condition everything is repairable.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.