How to Cure a Bloated Stomach and Gas ...

Bloating and gas can be uncomfortable, make us irritable and make fitting into our clothes a real challenge but it can also indicate some digestive issues that are fairly easy to resolve. Constipation, food allergies and intolerances, parasites and stress can lead to bloating. When stool becomes backed up in the large bowel, it can cause bloating and a feeling of discomfort. Excess gas may also build up behind the stool, making the bloating worse.

Diet - fizzy drinks, consuming too much salt or sugar, insufficient fibre or complex carbohydrates in our diet can all cause bloating. Hormonal Changes - many women experience bloating before and during their periods due to hormonal changes and water retention.

Quick Tips:

Increase Fibre/Complex Carbohydrates - eating more fibre helps to prevent constipation and bloating. Complex carbohydrates are also a great source for oligosaccharides - these foods are what assist in cleaning the colon.

Replace Fizzy Drinks with Water - fizzy, carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide that can build up in the intestines and make us gassy and bloated.

Avoid Chewing Gum - the sugar alcohols in chewing gum can cause bloating in some people and also we tend to swallow air while chewing. This can also lead to bloating and gas.

Get More Active Every Day - exercise can help our body to move stool and gas out of the colon and may make bowel movements more regular. Exercise also helps to release sodium from the body via sweating, which can help to relieve water retention.

Increase Water Intake - it is vital to drink plenty of water - enough to ensure our bodies are hydrated at a cellular level.

Manage Stress - we all carry everyday stresses in our life. Taking time for ourselves is a very important ritual. 1 hour in 24 is not much to ask. With our holistic approach, we can often determine what is causing discomfort and alongside some simple changes and colonic irrigation we can help you transform how you feel about your body, improve your energy, your mood and have you functioning at your optimum.