Hormones Are Like Seasons …

Did you know women go through FOUR cycles every month, each like a season?

Winter (Menstrual Phase):
The bleeding phase ~ a time to rest, recharge and reflect.

Spring (Follicular Phase):
After our period, and leading to ovulation, we feel energised ~ new beginnings, fresh ideas, and creativity blooms.

Summer (Ovulatory Phase):
The ovulatory phase ~ a time for creation of life. We can harness vitality, confidence, and connection with others.

Autumn (Luteal Phase):
As we near the next bleeding phase, we may feel a little flat ~ this is an opportunity to help our bodies process what may be out of alignment. Letting go and preparing for the next cycle. Our next bleed will be the release.

Sometimes, what we label as "PMS" is simply our body's way of signalling that it's time to shed what no longer serves us. Embrace the wisdom of the cycle and let each phase guide you with ease to both endings and beginnings.

Tap into the intelligence and it becomes easier to flow through life ...

Empower | Educate | Heal