Psoriasis, rosacea, persistent acne, eczema, dermatitis, fungal skin conditions - we all know someone who is trying to manage one, if not more than one of these skin conditions. If in this situation, we sometimes find ourselves starting with switching soaps, hair products, cleaning products, removing foods we enjoy and anything else we can think of.
When we feel we have exhausted all options, we can end up in the hands of a specialist walking out with a prescription for antibiotics, steroid creams or other medications to assist in treating the symptom. Although, we are advocates for medication when used in the right way - when it is not treating the cause we will always ask why and we encourage our patients to always, always ask why?
We cannot emphasise enough the importance of gut health and the influence it has on our skin, which is another major pathway of elimination in our body. Psoriasis and rosacea have been linked to dysbiosis in our microbiome along with pathogens such as Strep or H. Pylori.
Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) is a bacterium and can be one of the main causes of chronic gastritis, gastric cancer, gastrointestinal ulcers and recent evidence-based research suggests that H. Pylori infection plays a role in the pathogenesis of a variety of skin dis-eases.
Our philosophy is to listen to our patients, work with them to find the cause and treat accordingly. When working with facial skin conditions, we also like to suggest working with Lousie Michell in supporting our treatment.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Life, Healthy Mind .... And Skin!