Healing with Assertion ...

We usually pair assertion with the idea of someone speaking up for themselves or being confident and forceful. It is important to understand that sometimes we are just making a statement, that none of us need to be justified. We are who we are, we have the right to be here, to think and feel, to love and be loved - we are our authentic self.

Assertion plays a role in our healing when it comes from being very connected to living our dream, and when we practice this with honesty and confidence.

Our ability to be assertive is based on how well we define what we want. One very effective way for us to do this: have a rock-solid dream built on our core values that support our objectives.

Unfortunately, a lot of us have no clue what our dream is. In these cases, figuring out our nightmare - the one thing that, if addressed, would enable us to create our dream - comes first.

If our nightmare is chronic illness or dis-ease in our body, we already have a clear intention!

Healthy Gut, Health Mind, Healthy Life