Quieter moments present opportunity to work with our self and something we are all striving for is happiness.
Learning that happiness and joy are already built within from our own nature and not based on conditions or circumstance is a good place to start exploring. When we feel blocked, it can be that our happiness is conditioned - something like we purchased a new car, therefore we are happy or this person didn't return our call, therefore we are unhappy - condition based. We can become frustrated and unhappy when we feel there is no way out. We might feel every road is blocked and detour towards destructive behaviour. This is where the dance begins - learning to like our self when we are by our self. When we are by our self, we need to look at our thoughts - the beautiful thoughts, the crazy thoughts, we need to embrace our self, forgive our self, love our self and when we can fall in love with our self and like our self when we are by our self, we can be with others. If we don't like our self when we are by our self, we are often pulling on others or things to make us happy. Removing the block or moving this energy will allow us to come into our true nature. We begin to notice we are happy and calm regardless of what is going on - something bad happens, or a plan doesn't work out and we don't like it, but the happiness is still there. With a shift in perception and attitude we begin to see these possibilities.
Remember, in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity - start the dance.