The gut microbiome – the community of bacteria and other organisms living in our gut – has a powerful influence on our health. This collection of microbes has been implicated in a range of health functions, from cognitive capacity and mental health, to immunity and digestion. Emerging research has also shown that the gut microbiome may have an impact on athletic performance. This leads to the idea that by keeping our gut microbiome balanced and healthy, it may be possible to not only stave off disease and health issues, but also improve mental health and athletic performance. Imagine having the potential to prolong not only the sporting careers of elite athletes, but also the quality of their lives in general.
While it is well-known that exercise is important for health, it’s only in recent research that we have come to learn that it also plays an important role in the health of gut bacteria. This suggests that there is connection between the diet, gut microbiome, and elite sports performance, and that athletes may benefit with improved metabolic function and reduced risk of disease. There have been other studies linking the gut microbiome to lung capacity, which also found that regular physical exercise provided many health benefits as well as improving quality of life. This is still a growing field of research, yet these key findings provide confidence that there is a lot of potential in helping athletes to use their gut to improve overall health and performance.